I guess by the time most of us are in our 40's or 50's we have come to understand something of the old adage that 'the only constant is change'.

It seems to me that many times those changes, especially the really big ones, blind-side us while we are trying to make everything not change.

Sometimes, however, we get a rare opportunity and find the courage to invite change.   The really big stuff mind you, not change like ordering a new topping on your pizza or buying a new dish soap.

Stuff that makes you stop mid latte and, ask yourself - "what the hell am I doing"?...ask your spouse - "are we in this together"? ...and your friends - "am I crazy"?


Stuff that becomes real when I hear back from my heart saying - "Following me", and my wife saying - "absolutely" , and my friends ... "Yeah, you are"!