An unexpected adventure
/Shiny blacked out.
That was almost two months ago in Mammoth. It turned out to be rather a minor incident really. The whole story may be forthcoming...suffice it to say there were firemen involved. We're all pretty sure it came down to some combination of exhaustion, low body weight, a massive hiker meal and one White Russian.
So, two days ago, when Shiny stopped on on the trail, took off her pack and said "I feel dizzy, do I look pale?" She was. Wow, should we be worried?
We walked on. 15 minutes later...
HD: "How are you feeling...still dizzy?"
Shiny: "Yes, I feel so wierd."
Another 15 minutes...
HD: "Ok, now I feel dizzy. What's going on?!"
Shiny: "Oh no...those cookies Snaps gave us at the spring...they were edibles!"
"Edible" according to Webster; "Fit to be eaten"
"Edible" according to the PCT; "Cannibas in your cookies"
Yup, Shiny & Half-Double were high...high as a kite...first time ever.
All in all, I guess it was rather appropriate that we had our first experience with Marijuana on the PCT...where else?!